Rider Medal Program
WDAMA is proud to offer a new program in which riders can earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals to recognize their riding achievements based on scores received at WDAA Recognized Schooling Shows and/or USEF Recognized Shows. When a rider has earned all three medals, they will be eligible for a custom made belt buckle with the WDAA logo on it for a small additional fee.
To earn a Bronze Medal:
2 scores at Intro Level and 4 scores at Basic Level or 6 scores from Basic Level and one of the scores must come from the highest test in the respective Level
Intro and Basic scores must come from three (3) different USEF Western Dressage “r” or “R” judges at three (3) WDAA Recognized Schooling Shows and/or USEF Recognized Shows.
To earn a Silver Medal:
3 scores at Level 1 and one of the scores must come from the highest test in Level 1.
3 scores at Level 2 and one of the scores must come from the highest test in Level 2.
Level 1 and Level 2 scores must come from three (3) different USEF Western Dressage “r” or “R” judges at three (3) WDAA Recognized Schooling Shows and/or USEF Recognized Shows.
To earn a Gold Medal:
3 scores at Level 3 and one of the scores must come from the highest test in Level 3.
3 scores at Level 4 and one of the scores must come from the highest test in Level 4.
Level 3 and Level 4 scores must come from three (3) different Western Dressage “R” judges at three (3) WDAA Recognized Schooling or online Shows and/or USEF Recognized Shows.
Rider must be a current member with WDAMA and WDAA at the time medal submission and at the time scores were earned.
Rider may earn scores over time, in any order, and on multiple horses.
Submit one application per medal level. Submit copies of the tests required along with the application.
Rider may submit current tests or scores from 2018 and 2019 forward provided the scores came from Western Dressage “r” or “R” judges and you were a WDAMA/WDAA member at the time the score was earned and you can provide your test face sheet with complete information.
Rider pays the processing fee of $35 per medal.
All scores submitted must be from WDAA judges, from WDAA recognized shows.
Medals may be earned out of turn.
Medals may be earned on multiple horses.
All scores submitted must be 65% or higher with 1 test from each test level from test 4.
Scores from online shows in 2020 will be eligible.
Application and submission can be filed via email or by mail.
Medals will be awarded each year at WDAMA Award Banquet. The 2020 deadline for submission is December 1.
(Adopted By WDAMA Board of Directors on August 23, 2020)
Complete this application and submit with your scoresheets to apply for a medal:
Rider Medal Program Application
Year End Awards
Year end Awards
This Year End Award program allows current WDAMA members to earn points for western dressage test scores (WDAA tests only) earned at schooling shows or WDAA and USEF rated shows and compete for end-of-the-year prizes. It runs from January 1st through November 30th. Participation is free for one level for each Rider/Horse combination. If you would like to submit for another level for the same Rider/Horse Team, there is a $10 annual fee. Riders can submit scores for a maximum of two levels and those levels must be consecutive. An awards banquet will be held after the end of the show year.
Riders must be WDAMA/WDAA members in good standing. A rider must join WDAMA/WDAA prior to riding for points and are responsible for submitting their tests by November 30. To qualify for the year-end award riders must have submitted FIVE TESTS from at least three shows and two separate judges. Note that shows organized by WDAMA will count for two shows. Riders can submit TWO TESTS per show for each level in which they are competing for year-end points. The five scores will be totaled and averaged to determine the winning rider/horse combination for that level/division. At least one of the five tests submitted must be the highest test of the level.
The tests must be signed by the judge and copies may be submitted. (Scores will be verified with show management before qualifying for high point submission. In case of a discrepancy between the show scores submission and the rider’s submission, the show submission will prevail. It is the rider’s responsibility to check the recorded score at the show).
Please be sure the copy of the test face sheet that you send contains all of these items:
Test ridden (e.g. WDAA Basic Level Test 3 – Amateur)
Judge’s signature
Date of show
Your name
Your horse’s name (the name you showed under)
Final score points and percentage
You do not need to submit the part of the test score sheet containing comments or individual movement scores
Year-end awards will be given for the following:
Level/Division – awarded for Introductory, Basic, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 for each division (Youth, Amateur, Open)
No other specialty classes, such as Freestyle, WD Equitation, WD Suitability, and WD Hack will be counted towards awards. Individuals are eligible as Youth Competitors until the end of the competition year in which they reach the age of 18.
Test results can be sent to info@wdama.org
Year End Award Winners for 2024
Introductory Level Amateur
Champion - Catherine Anne Demick with Texas Whiz Kid SSH with a score of 72.864
Reserve Champion - Kim Gonzales with Raine
with a score of 69.317
Introductory Level Open
Champion - Audrey Stamatelos and Don't Think Twice with a score of 70.673.
Reserve Champion - Shannean Fields - Dakotas Dreamin' with a score of 65.077.
Basic Level Amateur
Champion - Rachelle Beauchesne - Glamorous Stats with a score of 70.665.
Congratulations on you 2024 Journey! Can't wait to see what 2025 brings for you!
Level One Amateur
Sis Bergeron Allen and Whispering In the Wind GCH with a score of 63.940
Rider Medal Awards
Congratulations Rachelle Beauchesne - Glamorous Stats on achieving YOUR Bronze Medal. We look forward to seeing your journey continue!
Congratulations to all!